How to eat…ah mango – (Starch Tutorial)

Start here, yes right there at the bottom (yes that’s what I said by the bottom), like in the picture. I eh know one person who does start sucking a mango from anywhere else.

Look at the spot and then as you move that mango to your mouth….close your eyes and bite, not a big bite, a small one that will allow you to start to suck it.

Long time (because I am a veteran at this) you woulda put mango to quail (that is in gazette paper and hide it in a box in a wardrobe or cabinet somewhere).   When you take that out papa, mango have some likkle black spots and Snapple eh want nothing with them juices that that mango have.  When yuh bite it, you have to lick all yuh fingers, yuh wrist and maybe even yuh forearm.  But people doh put mango to quail anymore.

Long time ago they used to call me Mango Police.  there was a mango tree in an open field next to my home.  If I go to sleep at night and get up in the morning bet your bottom dollar I could tell you if a mango fall, where it fall and walk and pick it up.

You could be one of 3 types of mango eater.  You can be a Banana peeler, if so that first bite would not be to make the small hole but it would be to peel of a strip from bottom to top.  Thus you eat you mango along the length of it.

You can be an orange peeler kinda eater.  This way you make a hole (like me) and continue to eat around the circumference of the mango from bottom to top.

Option three is the knife assisted mango eater aka faces.  That is you cut off the two faces, then you cut off the two sides and then you start to suck.

Inevitably suck you will because dais wah we does do with mango.  Suck to get the juice and the pulp and to ensure as you swallow you feel the viscosity (yes I used that word here, you have a better one?)  Yuh see when you sucking and you swallowing it’s not water, it’s not juice but the extract has a certain “body” that only mango has. Pineapple, watermelon, guava, cashew, none are the same as mango, and to be very specific “STARCH” mango.

So yuh sucking and yuh sucking until the yellow starts to turn white, and then yuh suck some more.  You moving to the edges… think about it as a map of Trinidad.  The Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Paria is where you would spend most of your time and have most satisfaction.

When you reach the Caribbean Sea you know the fun coming to an end.  Is like leaving Maracus. That is the point where you reach the top and you get that gentle reminder that you at the head of the mango.  The spot where it was connected to the tree, where you know…is a starch.

For good measure one more round.  You start to feel the diminishing returns, less suhweetness, less juice and more fibre is now stuck between your teeth. The fiber and the discomfort of it outweigh the sweetness of a minute ago.  Sooooooooo you done suck mango.


Now onto the next mango because no self-respecting person worse yet Trinidadian eating one mango.

For Starch repeat process 5 times. For Julie 3.  For Dou Dous 8.  If I leave out your mango I sorry, everything else is for curry mango, chow, and red mango.

Hope you enjoyed (as much as I enjoy some good starch).  If so subscribe to the blog nah.  Please and thanks.